We are delighted to share the joyous news of the dedication of the Thimbukushu translation of the Book of Genesis in Mukwe, a significant milestone in the Thimbukushu translation project. Thismomentous occasion with the collaboration of Botswana, and Namibia Bible Societies.
The Thimbukushu translation project was launched in Botswana as across-border project, involving translators from both Botswana and Namibia, with the active participation of a delegation from Botswana. This collaborative effort reflects the shared commitment to bring the Word of God to the Thimbukushu-speaking communities in both countries. We were honored to have Valerie Isaaks from the Bible Society of Namibia and a delegation from Botswana in attendance at the dedication ceremony held in Mukwe. Their presence demonstrated the solidarity and support of the Bible Societies of Namibia and Botswana in this vital translation project.
Esteemed traditional leaders of the Hambukushu people, namely Fumu Erwin Munika Mbambo from Namibia and Fumu Mutemo Mbambo from Botswana, together with community members, translators, church leaders, and representatives from various organizations collectively witnessed the heartfelt dedication of the Book of Genesis, translated into their native language.
The impact of this translation project represents a significant step towards preserving and promoting the Thimbukushu language, culture, and heritage. As the Bible Society of Namibia and Botswana, we are privileged to support initiatives that bring the Word of God closer to the hearts of people in their first language.
Let us rejoice together in this momentous occasion and pray for the continued success of the Thimbukushu translation project, as more books of the Bible are to be translated faithfully translated into the Thimbukushu language.
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