Our Bible work can never flourish without the regular prayers of our prayer partners! Your prayers will strengthen our capacity to serve the Namibian individuals, Churches, congregations, church-related organizations and institutions with the Word of God.

Possible prayer points are:

  • Thank the Lord for the Bible – in various languages, forms and formats – in Namibia, and for its impact already for many years;
  • Praise the Lord for the Bible Society of Namibia that is still able to serve the nation, and particularly Churches, with Bibles in local languages;
  • Pray for the work of the Bible Society of Namibia – BIBLE TRANSLATION projects (both written, oral and audio; for both adults and children) as well as other BIBLE ENGAGEMENT projects like our TRAUMA HEALING project that is done all over Namibia;
  • Also pray for our staff members that are involved in either administration, or Bible sales, or project management, or marketing & fundraising, or Bible translation, or Bible Story Telling, or Trauma Healing;
  • Never stop praying for our Churches, congregations, church-related organizations and institutions – and their leaders – who are spreading the Good News through the Bible all over our country; and,
  • Lastly, pray for the transformative impact of the Bible in the lives of all our people across Namibia – that they experience a hunger for the “bread of life”, and, that when they read or listen, that “a light will go up for them”.

Thank you for praying!